Tuesday 30 April 2013

A litle ramble about our day! :)

We're linked up with Theoliversmadhouse. Click the badge below for more #magicmoments posts :)

Wow! I never knew how exhausting things would get once Alyssa started walking! We spent 2.5 hours walking around town & visiting two parks & then having to climb the huuuge hill to get home & I am cream crackered! Alyssa, however, got home & danced around the sitting room & then took 'Ted' for a walk around the house in her stroller. How does she have the energy?

We chased the Ducks & Pigeons today & added two new words to Alyssa's ever improving Vocab- Bumbum & duck! :') 

It's amazing how much toddlers learn each day. At 14 months she's so intelligent & my heart swells with pride when I see her do something new!

So here are three of my favourite pictures of our outing today.. I hope you enjoy them!

She loves the swings!
'Let me out!'
Having a wonder! :)

Monday 29 April 2013

Our beautiful baby is WALKING! :')

So around three weeks ago, Lissy took her 'first steps' this was 6 steps from mummy to daddy & then landing on her bum in fits of giggles. Since then, she has had NO confidence what-so-ever & didn't take anymore steps, or even attempt to. She has never stood alone for more than 30 seconds either. 

So yesterday, when we were totally unexpecting it.. Alyssa decided to confidently trot across the front room, stop in the middle to have a look around & carry on across over to me.. WHERE did this come from? 

I was so shocked, she looked so confident- like she had been doing it for ages! :O

Well, since then.. there's been no stopping her, she's been running around, holding hands with her friend at playgroup, running around the park, the house.. she's super speedy! :')

Due to medical problems, I was a late walker & find it difficult to walk still at 17 years old. I always had doubts in my mind, & thought Alyssa may have the same thing as me.. but it seems if she has, she's not letting it stop her walk & run like all of her friends.

Triston & myself are soo proud of her, but life is now going to be 10x more hectic. With a house move in two days, a walking baby.. & a complete change of routine.. when I write my next post, I may have 2000 grey hairs & wrinkles all over my face!

Anyway, here's a quick clip of Alyssa walking up the street & stroking ou r cat. Enjoy! :)

Sunday 28 April 2013


Me & my beautiful Alyssa. :)

Friday 26 April 2013

The A-Z of being a Teenage Parent. :)

A- Always listen to your heart!

B- Babies are hard work- it's not a decision to take lightly(becoming a teen parent)

C- Co-operate with health visitors/doctors etc. They will be able to support you. :)

D- Don't listen to the people who judge you, only you know if you're a good parent.

E- Energy is one of the positives of being a teen parent.. Use it to your advantage & keep your child entertained.

F- Friends will come & go, but family will stick by you no matter what.

G- Groups- join as many as you can, it can sometimes be lonely without them & it's a good opportunity for you & baby.

H- Hold your head up high- don't let people put you down.

I- Involve your friends in day to day life- they might not understand what you're going through so may back off a bit.

J- Just be yourself- don't try to be a parent that you're not. 

K- Kicking & Screaming- toddlers can be a handful- remember they don't stay babies for long! It's not all about pushing prams & dressing them up.

L- Love them- it's as simple as that.

M- Meet new people- parents are the best people to meet, they know exactly what you might be going through!

N- Negativity- there will be negativity, it's to be expected, just block it out.

O- Opinions- Some people may have bad opinions of you & will tell you to your face, you're a Parent now- be the mature one & walk away.. so what if they don't like you? Just one less horrible person in your life! :)

P- Pace yourself- babies aren't babies for long, don't rush away the early years by keeping busy. Enjoy them.

Q- Question... Never question yourself, if you have made a decision, you've more or likely made the right one.

R- Reality- Look up the Pros & Cons of teen pregnancy before making a decision- reality is, you'd probably change your mind after reading the 'cons'.

S- Support your partner- they might be going through a difficult time.

T- Take time off from being a parent, a bubble bath, a walk down the street- anything is good for some 'me time'.

U- Understand- understand your babies needs.. else things could get messy!

V- Vent when you can, don't hold things in!

W- Walking is good for low parent moods, & good for baby too!

X- Xterminateeeeeee! -You WILL have to put up with annoying programmes! (Doctor Who!!)

Y- Yellow- Sometimes life is perfect, sunny & yellow. But sometimes it isn't.. & it becomes cloudy & grey.. Know how to control negative moods.

Z- Zoo- Make memories with your family, photographs & diaries are a great way of capturing day to day life.. or even trips out!

So there we are, my A-Z of being a teen parent. 26 tips for anyone considering being a teen parent, or for those who already are. :)

Thursday 25 April 2013

What is depression? In my eyes.

When I think of depression, I think of a monster. Just a green blob, with googly eyes & a dribbly mouth. A male. He is tiny, but can do a lot of damage. He sits in your head, amongst the cells of your brain. He sends out nasty messages, a tiny blob, but a big factor for someone's life. 

His outlook is to put you down, doubt yourself, he wants a friend. He doesn't want you to go out & talk to others. He wants you to himself.

He suffocates you- suffocates you with negativity, he's trying to get you into his frame of mind.

He places hurdle after hurdle infront of you, hoping you will stumble & listen to him.

He sends you horrible thoughts, to make you turn on everyone. He wants you to himself.

IF he sucseeds, he takes you in.. you listen to him & believe what he tells you. 

But.. If you manage to stay strong, you will beat him. He will get bored, & he will realize that you don't want to be his friend & that he has no place in your mind anymore.

He will go, elsewhere, & you will be free again.

Friday 19 April 2013

The big move! :D

Soooo, yesterday we got the keys to our new home! Today we've been in cleaning up the dust that the kitchen & bathroom fitters left everywhere, & also decorating Alyssa's room & tomorrow Alyssa is going to her Godmother's house, so we can paint the hallway & our bedroom! & also do Alyssa's bedroom floors! :')

We just need to find a sofa & an oven from somewhere & we'll be all set to move in! I can't wait!

The house is gorgeous, two beds, new fitted kitchen & bathroom, lovely wooden flooring, huge rooms & a balcony that catches the sun amazingly! 

I cannot wait to have our own home. Friends can come over, & we can finally have our own routine, rather than a shared one!

If you don't see me post for a little while, it's because we still need to set internet up & I'll be busy decorating/moving & enjoying our new home for a little while! :)

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Life is a rollercoaster, you've just got to sit it out & ride the waves.

Just a little rant of mine!
One thing my depression has taught me, is that no matter what mental state you're in, life is always a rollercoaster. You can be healthy, unhealthy, depressed, not depressed, rich, poor, skinny, fat, male, female, young, old. Everyone experiences a wave of emotions & problems in their lifetime. I've seen that a lot of people that don't have depression don't like to talk about their problems, they think people will tell them to shut up moaning. I think that's wrong. I've never seen someone who has been diagnosed with depression put something out there & then have people tell them to stop moaning. So why should those without depression be told to stop? TALKING about your problems helps a whole lot. I've learnt that on my journey through PND. Getting people to listen to you & understand what you're going through HELPS. 

So why, if you're not medically ill, are you not allowed to complain about life, or talk about your problems? 

Mentally stable people have problems too & as much as I appreciate the support I get personally, I feel sorry for those who don't.. simply because people say 'it's life'.. yet feel that a depressed person would be offended by that, so let them complain.

LET PEOPLE TALK! Before it's too late & depression takes over, let them tell you how they're feeling, let them whine & moan.. let them complain & talk about their problems, you might not realize it, but 'normal' people can have just as many emotions whizzing around as someone who's depressed!

Sunday 14 April 2013


Alyssa-Mae Lillian Sedgwick: 15/02/2012.
Triston Adam Sedgwick: 15/03/1992. <3

Thursday 11 April 2013

Our own family home!

Today we have been offered our first, family home. A two bedroom maisonette in a local village. Located next to an Infant & Junior school, a shop, post office, Church & playpark! We have a large communal garden, & I already know our nextdoor neighbour. My bestfriend- Alyssa's Godmother lives five minutes around the corner & my mum too!

I am excited, yet anxious. I know having our own space will be better for my depression, but this is both mine & Triston's first time living without our parents & it's a big step to take, luckily we have each other & the most supportive families ever!

I can't wait to decorate & be able to get ourselves into our own routine, follow our own meal plan etc. Living in a shared house now, it's difficult, although I am so very greatful to my Stepdad who had taken us on & shared his home with us.

It will be sad to go, as I have lived in that house for 11/12 years, but a fresh beginning is what we all need! :')

My blogger may not be updated much for the next couple of months, as we find our way & sort out internet etc.. but I'm sure when we're settled, it will be filled with updates & pictures of our first ever home.

This time last year I never thought I'd be where I am now, I never even thought I'd be anywhere to be honest. But here I am happy & moving on with my life & leaving the depression behind!

To anyone suffering, NEVER GIVE UP HOPE! YOU CAN & YOU WILL GET THERE. Keep strong. <3

Thanks for all of your support & I hope to be writing to you all very soon!
