Sunday 20 October 2013

Missing in action! An update.

I feel so awful looking back on my posts and leaving you all in the dark. I haven't posted in a while and to be truthful, I don't think I've needed to. I've been so busy.. busy being happy! :')

So for a while now I've been feeling amazing, and I stupidly made the mistake of taking myself off of my medication. Three whole weeks off and I was feeling amazing, full of energy, happy and carefree. Until I woke up struggling to walk, heart palpitations, hot and cold sweats, headache, dizziness and generally very lethargis..

Silly old me got medication withdrawal! I felt sooo pants and a bit disheartened BUT I didn't cry, I went into the kitchen and got out my meds and took one 20mg dosage.. less than normal but I hoped it would help.

For two weeks now I have been taking 20mg, and at my next doctors app on Friday I will be talking about slowly lowering further and weaning off. For five+ weeks now I've managed on none or a smaller dose of tablets, Triston lost his job.. I was fine, I was ill and felt fine, the house has been a mess and ive felt fine.

I've built up the confidence to start slimming world and am one week in and feeling fab so that's a plus too.

I am super proud although I now know to walk before I can run sorta thing. So yes, that is where I have been hiding.. in a land of happiness and fun and laughter and just pure bliss!!
