Sunday 6 April 2014

24 week pregnancy update & NAME REVEAL.

This week we've hit 24 weeks- still a while to go, but it means we have reached 'viability'. Before 24 weeks gestation, if a baby was born and needed help, doctors would not work on the baby. Very few babies survive if born before 24 weeks (although I have heard of 2, 23 weekers!!) Once a mother reaches 24 weeks, if she was to give birth to an alive baby- doctors would do what they could to keep baby alive and well.

Symptoms this week are really starting to give me that 'are we nearly there yet' feeling. Tiredness, muscle pulls, ribs sore and under attack 24/7, sore breasts, swollen feet, more loss of mucus plug, hair loss, hormonal outbursts, constant tiredness and difficulty walking far due to baby's position. Who said pregnancy was glamourous?!

We also decided on revealing baby girls name this week.

Autumn-Raine Elsa Sedgwick!

We got a mixed reaction, but that's to be expected. We understand not every name suits certain people, but we didn't name her to please other people.. 
Choosing a name was difficult.. When we fell pregnant Autumn-Raine was our first choice but wondered how people would react, our 2nd choice was Emilie-Rose but with much thought, we decided that it was again quite a common name. It seems most girls names that are hyphenated have -Rose, -Mae, -Grace, -Rae or -Louise at the end of it, so we wanted to use something completely different. 

Alyssa is getting more and more excited about the arrival of her baby sister. Talking about all the items we've accumulated for her, stroking and cuddling my bump, and telling us she loves her. I never thought she would understand but she's showing all the signs!

We've also decided on our birth choice- and will be asking for a vaginal delivery, at home. 

Next week we have my mental health check up, where I will be weaned off of my medication, and my midwife appt so there will be lots to share. I'm feeling slightly anxious about it, but know I have the support I need in place to get by.

That's it for this week! :-)


  1. You're looking fab! Good luck for the rest of your pregnancy, it must be very exciting =)

    Corinne x

  2. Good luck for the rest of your pregnancy lovely :) I really like the name Autumn-Raine as well, Autumn has always been one of my favourite names :)

  3. Aw thankyou both! It's been a rough pregnancy with scare after scare so now everythings calmed down I'm getting more excited!! :D
