Monday 10 February 2014

Pooooooorly! 17 week pregnancy update.

I have just realised that I've been lacking on posts recently. Three weeks ago I fell unwell, I was having headaches, nosebleeds, collapsing, chest pains and breathlessness. I went to hospital and was told it was just a chest infection. So I started the antibiotics and was put on bed rest. I felt dreadful and I just didn't get better. Things were getting worse and I couldn't move off the sofa. Triston had time off work which was a great help. After I finished the antibiotics we went swimming. Bad idea. I had a severe allergic reaction to a chemical in the pool. My legs were so swollen and covered in burns and blisters. Resulted in another trip to hospital. They gave me more antibiotics for my chest and other medications for my legs.
Anyway, to cut to the chase I've only just started feeling a bit more human.

I am 17 weeks pregnant today and pregnancy wise feeling fab. All symptoms have gone- although nesting has come around again lol.
I am feeling small wriggles in my tummy and baby hates when I lie on it- cue the sleepless nights haha.

My skin and hair is doing fine, no sickness anymore and emotionally I feel great. More than ready to welcome our new baby.

In 24 days we find out the gender and have decided to keep it a secret from friends lol.

A bump is starting to develop finally and slimming world is going great- still losing weight but baby is growing healthily.

The midwife found babys heartbeat and we also found out that I am finally immune to rubella- which I wasn't with Alyssa. My iron/blood pressure is perfect and urine clear!

So that's a bit of an update for you all! Sorry for lack of posts!! I hope you can understand why lol.

Here is bumpy at 16+6 weeks.

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