Sunday 17 November 2013

Pregnancy diary- Update 1!

Well, this week has been a rollercoaster.. that infact I never want to ride again.

on Monday, I started feeling unwell. On Tuesday, I saw an emergency doctor and was diagnosed with a severe Urine Infection, however the test also showed something else.... HCG! These are hormones pregnant women produce! She was worried about the pain I was having down one side of my body, and the fact I was losing spots of blood, so phoned the hospital for advice. Because I was taking the Pill, they were concerned that I was having an ectopic pregnancy, so filled my head with information and sent me home, with a appointment for a scan on the Thursday. Going home knowing that not only my baby's but my life was at risk too was horrible, and the next two days were awful with emotions running everywhere!

Thursday came round and I was feeling positive, the blood had gone aswell as the pain. We waited in a room full of happy pregnant women for the scan and my tummy was in knots! During the rather uncomfortable scan, the sonogropher looked worried. There was no sign of baby at all! She sent me out and we were called in to speak to a doctor. She said that I would need blood tests for the next couple of days to measure my hormones..

SO the next two days were spent having blood tests until we got the results on Saturday evening. My hormones had not only doubled, but almost quadrupled! Meaning baby was fine, and there is a possibility I could be carrying a multiple pregnancy!

So this week has been a bit pants, but we ended on good news and although this wasn't planned, we are feeling blessed to be carrying baby no.2!

As for symptoms, Im doing okay. A bit tired, sicky.. but nothing major to report on! :D

We have another scan on Thursday to see if baby will show it's face!

Here is a test we did after the doctor told us I was pregnant.. dark right?

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