Thursday 8 November 2012

The beginning of my new life.

I found out I was pregnant on the 10th of June, 2011.
It was a school day, & I had missed my period by a week. Knowing the signs from my previous pregnancy, I got Triston to ride to the local Tesco Store & buy a pregnancy test. If I was pregnant, I wanted to know straight away- The last one had ended in the most drastic way, & I wanted to make sure if I was again, I would keep myself & the baby safe.
I drunk two whole bottles of Lucozade, trying to go for a wee.. but my body was not having any of it.. I waited an hour since getting the test before I had enough liquid in me to complete it accurately!
When I was the pink line, it was brighter than the last time.. & came up much faster too.
My heart actually sunk. Right that minute was when my worries began. I felt sick, I didn't want to be pregnant, not because I didn't like the thought of a baby, but because I had suffered a miscarriage, & was worried this pregnancy would end in the same way.
Triston was nervous, he's older than me by a few years. What would people think of us? How would we tell our parents?
It wasn't as bad as we thought. Luckily my Mum is very supportive. She made it clear that this baby was our responsibility & no-one elses.. which we fully understood- now the excitement could kick in!
Our first scan was on the 29th of July. It was such an amazing feeling seeing our baby wriggling around on the screen. Both our eyes filled up with tears, & I finally felt a little less nervous.
I struggled through the pregnancy with severe morning sickness, a suspected blood clot on the brain & severe anaemia.. aswell as that, I was still at school studying for my exams & preparing our home for our new arrival.
The 19th of September was the day we found out the sex of our baby. We desperately wanted a healthy baby, but we did like the idea of a little girl more. We told people we wanted a boy, as we thought Alyssa was going to be male, but didn't want to seem disappointed to them.. however when the sonographer announced the baby was a female, we both smiled our biggest smiles! & as we walked out of the hospital, we started planning little outfits! We picked the name Alyssa-Mae.
Labour was soon approaching & I was so tired.
On the 12th of February I had noticed Alyssa-Mae wasn't moving.. a quick trip to the hospital showed that she was infact fine & moving well, I just for some reason couldn't feel it. The doctors decided to give me a sweep, I was already 1 day overdue. As I walked uncomfortably through the hospital to get our lift, my contractions started. I was at home until 2 o'clock Wednesday morning, with contractions coming & going every 6 minutes. However, when I went in, they began to speed up & an examination had shown I was already 7cm! I was barely in pain & was able to walk around the ward, listening to Justin Bieber & raiding the kitchens! :P Alyssa-Mae was born ten hours upon arrival, weighing 7lbs 8.5oz, with just Gas & Air for pushing & being stitched back up after tearing. It was the most amazing feeling in the world.
I couldn't believe she was mine. She slept all night that first night, I on the other hand stayed awake, watching my beautiful girl breathe in & out.
& that was just the beginning...

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