Friday 26 April 2013

The A-Z of being a Teenage Parent. :)

A- Always listen to your heart!

B- Babies are hard work- it's not a decision to take lightly(becoming a teen parent)

C- Co-operate with health visitors/doctors etc. They will be able to support you. :)

D- Don't listen to the people who judge you, only you know if you're a good parent.

E- Energy is one of the positives of being a teen parent.. Use it to your advantage & keep your child entertained.

F- Friends will come & go, but family will stick by you no matter what.

G- Groups- join as many as you can, it can sometimes be lonely without them & it's a good opportunity for you & baby.

H- Hold your head up high- don't let people put you down.

I- Involve your friends in day to day life- they might not understand what you're going through so may back off a bit.

J- Just be yourself- don't try to be a parent that you're not. 

K- Kicking & Screaming- toddlers can be a handful- remember they don't stay babies for long! It's not all about pushing prams & dressing them up.

L- Love them- it's as simple as that.

M- Meet new people- parents are the best people to meet, they know exactly what you might be going through!

N- Negativity- there will be negativity, it's to be expected, just block it out.

O- Opinions- Some people may have bad opinions of you & will tell you to your face, you're a Parent now- be the mature one & walk away.. so what if they don't like you? Just one less horrible person in your life! :)

P- Pace yourself- babies aren't babies for long, don't rush away the early years by keeping busy. Enjoy them.

Q- Question... Never question yourself, if you have made a decision, you've more or likely made the right one.

R- Reality- Look up the Pros & Cons of teen pregnancy before making a decision- reality is, you'd probably change your mind after reading the 'cons'.

S- Support your partner- they might be going through a difficult time.

T- Take time off from being a parent, a bubble bath, a walk down the street- anything is good for some 'me time'.

U- Understand- understand your babies needs.. else things could get messy!

V- Vent when you can, don't hold things in!

W- Walking is good for low parent moods, & good for baby too!

X- Xterminateeeeeee! -You WILL have to put up with annoying programmes! (Doctor Who!!)

Y- Yellow- Sometimes life is perfect, sunny & yellow. But sometimes it isn't.. & it becomes cloudy & grey.. Know how to control negative moods.

Z- Zoo- Make memories with your family, photographs & diaries are a great way of capturing day to day life.. or even trips out!

So there we are, my A-Z of being a teen parent. 26 tips for anyone considering being a teen parent, or for those who already are. :)

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